Our Church Vision
Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do His Work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the fill and complete standard of Christ.
We aspire to be a dynamic apostolic and prophetic training center where individuals gather to discover, cultivate, and refine their God-given gifts for advancing His Kingdom through hands-on experience. Our church is designed to unleash each member's unique abilities, resulting in a profound manifestation of God's glory within our community and beyond.
We envision a church where every individual—regardless of age—learns to discern the voice of God, embrace His guidance, and step into their divine purpose. In this nurturing environment, members are encouraged to take bold steps in teaching and ministering the Word of God with confidence and love. We provide a safe space for growth, allowing everyone to learn from their experiences, empowering them to pray for others, operate in the Gifts of the Spirit, and walk in faith.
Our vision includes fostering a strong, God-centered family atmosphere where the fruits of the Spirit flourish in every member. We seek to be a sanctuary of healing and deliverance, enabling all who enter to lead victorious lives and realize their God-given dreams.
We envision a collaborative environment, working alongside the Holy Spirit to connect with other ministries and address the needs of our community and beyond.
MOLMC will be a boundless platform, inspiring individuals to boldly proclaim the Word of God through social media, radio, and television, as led by the Holy Spirit. We see a place where new books and curricula are developed, equipping believers to deepen their faith and grow spiritually.