Love Brought Me Here


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Service

by: Kathy Salas



(Written by Kathy Salas)

I once was alone or so I thought
Seeking and sifting through the lies I bought

So many years tossing & turning
when all along my heart was yearning

Yearning for what I didn't know
everything I found was all for show

Lie after lie, fear and doubt
was the only life I really knew about

Empty and broken, lost & confused
I felt as though I was beaten and bruised

by a life that was full of constant deception
knowing nothing else from the moment of my conception

You see the devil of this world is quite the master
of letting us think were far from disaster

Anger, fighting, depression and fear
were part of my life that I held so dear

I knew there had to be a better way
exhaustion set in and I was left to say

“Dear God,
I quit, I give up, have it your way
my family's a mess and there's bills to pay”

Then God every so gently opened the door
through a friend who knew just a little more

Come in they all said you're welcome here
Hug after hug, prayer after prayer

I kept going back week after week
knowing my life wasn't so bleak

There was hope & joy, acceptance and peace
not to mention a new family at the very least

I didn't understand everything they did and said
but my heart knew the difference and my spirit was getting fed

There was hope & joy, laughter and peace at it's best
I went home knowing we were gonna make outta this mess

No more worry, no more fear
it was simply LOVE that brought me here.

A love that was simple, tried and true
a love from my Father that was long over due

A Mother, a Father, brothers and sisters
who would stand by my side through all the twisters

The twisters of life that the devil has brought
but overcome by the blood of the lamb my savior already bought.

Now I know the truth of the Gospel and can't close my eyes
I can no longer be bought out by the deception and lies

Thank you Melissa Torres and pastoral staff
for hanging in there when all you could do, was simply laugh.

Mission of Light (New Testment) Church has brought to light
the voice of the Good Shepherd that is our true delight

I can now send my children into the world without fear
once again it was simply love that brought me here.

Thank you Lord for all the love in this place
and for transforming us into the mirror in your face.

You are love, you are joy, acceptance and peace
thank you Jesus to say the very least.

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(Written by Kathy Salas)

I once was alone or so I thought
Seeking and sifting through the lies I bought

So many years tossing & turning
when all along my heart was yearning

Yearning for what I didn't know
everything I found was all for show

Lie after lie, fear and doubt
was the only life I really knew about

Empty and broken, lost & confused
I felt as though I was beaten and bruised

by a life that was full of constant deception
knowing nothing else from the moment of my conception

You see the devil of this world is quite the master
of letting us think were far from disaster

Anger, fighting, depression and fear
were part of my life that I held so dear

I knew there had to be a better way
exhaustion set in and I was left to say

“Dear God,
I quit, I give up, have it your way
my family's a mess and there's bills to pay”

Then God every so gently opened the door
through a friend who knew just a little more

Come in they all said you're welcome here
Hug after hug, prayer after prayer

I kept going back week after week
knowing my life wasn't so bleak

There was hope & joy, acceptance and peace
not to mention a new family at the very least

I didn't understand everything they did and said
but my heart knew the difference and my spirit was getting fed

There was hope & joy, laughter and peace at it's best
I went home knowing we were gonna make outta this mess

No more worry, no more fear
it was simply LOVE that brought me here.

A love that was simple, tried and true
a love from my Father that was long over due

A Mother, a Father, brothers and sisters
who would stand by my side through all the twisters

The twisters of life that the devil has brought
but overcome by the blood of the lamb my savior already bought.

Now I know the truth of the Gospel and can't close my eyes
I can no longer be bought out by the deception and lies

Thank you Melissa Torres and pastoral staff
for hanging in there when all you could do, was simply laugh.

Mission of Light (New Testment) Church has brought to light
the voice of the Good Shepherd that is our true delight

I can now send my children into the world without fear
once again it was simply love that brought me here.

Thank you Lord for all the love in this place
and for transforming us into the mirror in your face.

You are love, you are joy, acceptance and peace
thank you Jesus to say the very least.

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